Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Flathead Lake Reunion -- Summer, 2024 -- Sophia, Judah, Levi, Laura, And Kiri -- Josh, Olivia, Will To Join Them -- July 17, 2024

Tag: reunion.


July 20, 2024: Paddle board races this weekend.

July 18, 2024: Olivia takes a dip in Iceberg Lake

Now in reverse order: newest at the top and older as you scroll down:

 Olivia, Sophia, and Judah.

Original Post

First photo received from this trip:

More photos as they come in:

First breakfast for this group, photo by Kiri:

Summary of this group:

Kiri and Laura drove from Portland, OR, with Sophia (age 10 -- far right in photo above) and Judah and Levi, twins, age 4, on Tuesday, July 16, 2024.
Kiri and Sophia had flown to Portland from DFW, Texas, a few days earlier.

Josh, and daughter Olivia (turned 18 just a few days ago) and family friend Will flew into Missoula, MT, late last night, July 16, 2024, and then drove to 292 Lakeshore Drive, Lakeside, MT, in time for breakfast this morning, July 17, 2024.

Josh is to the far left, standing.

Will is far forward to the front, nearest Tucky, the Corgi (a dog). He is a college student at a premier university in Texas. All universities in Texas are premier universities. Some are simply better than others. He's going to one of the better ones.

Olivia, in yellow, has her back to us.

Dave and Jan are at the table with Olivia.

Laura is far in the back to the right, standing, walking toward one of the twins (Levi or Judah) on the steps.

They are in the kitchen / open dining room, facing the lake. The large double-window/doors to the far left open onto a huge deck, again, facing the lake. 

Down below Jan and Dave on the dining hall mesa, is the "sunk" living room and sharing a wall with the living room is a huge, brand-new two-car garage, part of the recent renovation of the house.

Not shown:

  • Kiri: taking the photo, no doubt.
  • one of the twins, either Judah or Levi; one of them possibly taking the photo if it was not Kiri
  • Cameron, personal chef to Jan and Dave, and coincidentally their older son
  • Connor: Jan and Dave's younger son, who is living/working in the sunshine city/state: Minneapolis, MN.

There was a wedding/marriage proposal somewhere along this trip: Judah, age 4, says he wants to marry Sophia, age 10. Sophia has not committed. She may be holding out for a better offer.

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